Thursday 31 December 2015

How to Check Quality of Website for Getting Backlinks


Many SEO experts work on building links for their domain with the prime motive of gaining quality backlinks so that they can improve the search engine ranking for the targeted keywords which in turn will come up on top 3 positions on Google page one. Link Building task doesn’t seems to be difficult as the developer just need to put few details like the Title, Description, backlink URL, e-mail, name, etc. and then submit it for getting approved by the admin of that website.

Check Quality Website for Backlinks
  • Check if the website is related to your theme.
  • Check if the website has good PR (Page Rank).
  • Check the website for OBL(Outbound Link). Select the minimum OBL site for getting back links. Leave the web page which have OBL more than 50.
Here is not the end. Read full Blog about How to Check Quality of Website for Getting Backlinks visit FindNerd.

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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Core Factors for Developing a Strong Personality in Workplace


Personality development plays an important role for the growth of an individual as well as for the growth of an organization. If the resources working within a firm have good personality then their level of work, communication, collaboration within the team members and organization always keep on improving. And as a result of which the productivity & growth of firm will also keep on increasing from time to time.

Factors for Developing a Strong Personality in Workplace

  • All the resources should have sincerity, integrity and trust.
  • Resources should have awareness, alertness and grasping capacity.
  • Beneficial communication skills are required.
  • Useful application of required knowledge in depth, positive intelligence and defensive smartness.
  • Non dependence of economic condition other than for rightful privileges.
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Tuesday 29 December 2015

Load custom cell(Xib) in UITableView in swift

Load custom cell(Xib) in UITableView in swift.jpg
if you would like to Load custom cell(Xib) in UITableView in swift ,you may use the following code ->
  1. func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
  2.       return array.count;   //This function returns number of rows in table view
  3.   }

  4. func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
Read more about Load Custom Cell in UITableView in Swift at findnerd. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies such as C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android questions and answers etc and can also enhance your tech skills.

Monday 28 December 2015

How to Install xampp in ubuntu 14.04 using terminal (Command Line)


Basically XAMPP is abbreviation of some technical terms like it is Cross Platform(X) Apache HTTP Server (A) MySql(M), PHP(P) and Pearl(P) server. Cross platform means it can run on various platform like Windows, Linux, Unix etc. It is first choice of Web developer because it is very lightweight in terms of size.  

There is Step by step procedure from download to complete installation on your Ubuntu machine:  
  • Open the Terminal on your Ubuntu machine

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Thursday 24 December 2015

Optimize Your Website Images with SEO Alt Tag Implementation

When you are working as a SEO specialist, then you have a challenge to make each and every component of website optimized as per the guidelines defined by the search engine. So for this you have to consult web developers regularly during the time of development for implementing SEO factors on website.

Importance of Alt Tags in SEO
Some web developers generally understand that the when search engine spiders comes to a website then, they only read the content of website and skips reading images, however the truth is that spiders can’t crawl images but do read the images in the form of alternate text which is set during the time of development as Alt Tags which are being used by search engines during the time of image searching by any user.

To view the full blog about Optimize Your Website Images with SEO Alt Tag Implementation visit Findnerd.

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Wednesday 23 December 2015

How to install OpenERP-9 (Odoo9) in windows 7, 8 and 9 ?

odoo 9 installation guide.jpg
If you want to install OpenERP-9 (Odoo9) in windows 7,8 and 9 follow the below mentioned steps:- Step-1 Go to the link->"
Step-2 Select->latest exe file like->odoo_9.0.latest.exe -> (Latest Date)
Step-3 click on Downloaded exe->select the languages->click on Next button
Step-4 select-> Odoo Server + PostgreSQL Database->click on Next button.
Step-5 Configure the information of PostgreSQL Database connection, Like..
(i) Host name- localhost
(ii) Port- 5432

Here is not the end…. TO view the full Blog about How to install OpenERP-9 (Odoo9) in windows 7, 8 and 9 ? visit Findnerd.

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Tuesday 22 December 2015

How to Create Banner Ads on Doubleclick for Publishers

Doubleclick for Publishers an Intro

We use different type of techniques for internet marketing to promote the content and drive traffic towards a website or blog. Apart from several other available internet marketing options Google also provide DFP which is basically known Doubleclick for Publishers. Google provide this service in two possible options one DFP for small business which is free and other as a paid service with advanced features.

Here are some basic details of DFP for small business:
  • Doubleclick for Publisher(DFP) is an Ad service from Google for Small Business. It is freely hosted ad service that provides various features which are very useful for managing and processing of online advertisements.
  • To access its features, we need to integrate it with a website to show Ads.
  • Free Ads service has a limited quota of Ad impressions per month for an account.

  • set of Ad impressions per month.
  • Each Ad is associated with a landing page URL that can be set up on DFP account for a certain time period.
  • DFP account also provide monitoring of all stats including the no. of impressions, Click on ads, etc.
Read full blog at our highly specific C, PHP, iphone, Javascript, HTML, Android developer forum about the topic described above “ How to Create Banner Ads on Doubleclick for Publishers”. You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Monday 21 December 2015

Change UIIMage background color in iOS

5Change UIIMage background color in iOS.jpg
Here is a function which returns an image with different background of you choice.
  1. - (UIImage* )setBackgroundImageByColor:(UIColor *)backgroundColor withFrame:(CGRect )rect{

  2. // tcv - temporary colored view
  3. UIView *tcv = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
  4. [tcv setBackgroundColor:backgroundColor];

  5. // set up a graphics context of button's size

Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, android, iOS developer forum about the topic described above "Change UIIMage background color in iOS". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Friday 18 December 2015

Doubleclick for Publishers an Intro

We use different type of techniques for internet marketing to promote the content and drive traffic towards a website or blog. Apart from several other available internet marketing options Google also provide DFP which is basically known Doubleclick for Publishers. Google provide this service in two possible options one DFP for small business which is free and other as a paid service with advanced features.
Here are some basic details of DFP for small business:
  • Doubleclick for Publisher(DFP) is an Ad service from Google for Small Business. It is freely hosted ad service that provides various features which are very useful for managing and processing of online advertisements.
  • To access its features, we need to integrate it with a website to show Ads.

Here is not the end. To Read complete information about "DoubleClick for Publishers" visit FindNerd . As it is an effective technology forum, so here you can also ask questions & look for various programming queries along with their solutions including android, php, java, Javascript questions and answers etc.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

How can Internet of Things improve your day to day productivity levels?

internet of things.jpg

Internet of Things’(IoT) means communication between everyday objects over the internet, allowing them to send and receive data. The term was coined by British entrepreneur Kevin Ashton in 1999 and it’s definition keeps on evolving with every day advancements in technology. The best understanding of IoT is seamless integration of information network into physical objects to create an incredible world of smart objects.

Fast commuting
An intricate systems of mobile devices, cars and road systems will be connected to each other. Traffic pattern will be analyzed with the help of sensors on stoplights to avoid traffic jams, meaning you could get to work on time. As a matter of fact, employers lose a lot of money due to morning traffic jams that often do not allow employees to reach office on time, resulting into decreased productivity. But all will change with IoT.

Here is not the end….

To Read complete information about "How can Internet of Things improve your day to day productivity levels? " visit FindNerd . As it is an effective technology forum, so here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions including android, php, java, c programming questions and answers etc.

Retrieve Image file from and set on ImageView android


It is very easy to retrieve image file from
For example the image file name profilePicture is save on User class and I am going to retrieve the image below.
  1. ImageView profilePic = (ImageView)findViewById(;
  2. ParseFile imageFile = (ParseFile) currentUser.get("profilePicture");
  3.           FlexLogger.createLog("Image file :: " + imageFile);
  4.           imageFile.getDataInBackground(new GetDataCallback() {
  5.               @Override
Here is not the end…..
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, Android questions and answers forum about the topic described above "Retrieve Image file from and set on Image view Android". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

PHP Namespaces

What is namespaces
PHP introduce NAMESPACES in 5.3 version. Namespaces are virtual container/directory to organize code structure. In php we can not share same name for two classes. For example if you are using user management plugin for your project and this plugin contain User class for user verification. And also you have User class for user related activities in your application. If you include both file to access User class then PHP will throw error (Cannot redeclare class). To solve this problem we use Namespaces to organize or separate classes.

class User
public function login()
echo 'Login successfully using plugin';

Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, PHP developer forum about the topic described above "PHP Namespace". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Monday 14 December 2015

Top 5 High Traffic Content Sharing Websites

Performing SEO tasks is not an easy job for any SEO specialist because it involves huge amount of research for finding new fruitful resources which are beneficial for the promotion of any business website. The online promotion of any business include link building, content marketing and social media marketing.

High traffic content sharing websites
High traffic content sharing websites have the ability to divert a huge number of visitors towards your website or blog because they already have humongous traffic which comes to them regularly.

Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android questions and answers forum about the topic described above "Top 5 High Traffic Content Sharing Websites". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Write a Join Query Across Multiple Tables in CakePHP

Fetching data from the database takes a lot time process. Eventually when you need to combine multiple tables in order to fetch the data, reducing database calls becomes very meaningful.

Although in CakePhp's model, by default if the association between various models either it be hasOne or belongsTo, hasMany can be done using find statement, as CakePHP will automatically use left joins and so with the sql statements for performing the DB calls.

Here is not the end….Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, Javascript, iPhone, android,PHP developer forum  about the topic described above "Write a Join Query Across Multiple Tables in CakePHP". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Launch application after phone boot or screen unlock in Android using BroadcastReceiver

broadcast receiver.jpg
We have BroadcastReceiver to listen to the system events. There are receivers like BOOT_COMPLETED, SCREEN_ON, USER_PRESENT which we can register to perform any specific task when phone boots or screen unlocks. The same we are using here to Launch our Android application on phone unlock and boot.
Firstly, as mentioned above, we have to register the receivers that we want our application to listen to.
Here is not the end...Read full blog at our highly specific, Java, PHP, Javascript,Android, iPhone, C programming questions and answers forum about the topic described above "Launch application after phone boot or screen unlock in Android using BroadcastReceiver ". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Why Should You Consider Ruby on Rails Programming and Its Framework?


Ruby, an Object Oriented scripting language for web-development, gets extension from a software library called Rails. As a collective framework for web development, Ruby on Rails or simply Rails has become very popular among developers in recent years, a lot of credit goes to ease of programming for web application development.

Before the release of Rails in 2004, PHP and Java frameworks were the big names for frameworks available for web development….

Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Javascript, iPhone, android questions and answers forum about the topic described above "Why Should You Consider Ruby on Rails Programming and Its Framework? ". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.