Thursday 28 January 2016

How to make the onchange function in OpenERP(Odoo) ?

In onchange function first we have to go in .py file (python file)
After that we have to decide where you want to give onchange function and then give attribute on_change to that field.
Like below python code in py file :
  1. def onchange_function(self, cr, uid,ids,qualification, context=None):
  2.       print"=====qualification======",qualification
  3.       if qualification=='a1':
  4.           a1 = 'Shiva1'
  5.       elif qualification=='a2':
  6.           a2 = 'Shiva2'
  7.       else:
  8.           a3 = 'shiva3'
  9.       print"=====a1====",a1
  10.       obj = self.pool.get('hr.role1').search(cr ,uid ,[('name','=',a1)])
  11.       print"=====obj====",obj
  12.       a2 = self.pool.get('hr.role1').browse(cr, uid, obj, context)
  13.       for val in a2:
  14.           print"=====a2====",val,

  15.           values = {

Here is not the end.Explore more about How to make the onchange function in OpenERP(Odoo) ? at Findnerd.

List of Cloud Platforms, Providers and Enablers


Cloud computing has made it possible for businesses of all sizes to avail computing services on the web, thereby eliminating the need of buying own servers, software licenses, hardware etc. There is no need to hire staff to maintain and repair on-premises servers. Moreover, cloud computing scalability acts as a savior to your business when it witnesses sudden growth and high traffic, meaning it automatically allocates as many servers as needed to meet the requirement. You pay as per actual numbers of servers being put in use. When the numbers of users go down, cloud computing again automatically reduces the numbers of servers, not compelling you to pay for unnecessary usage of servers.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

  • High productivity with fewer people
  • Reduces significant costs
  • Scalability
  • Any time accessibility
Here is not the end.To view the full Blog about to List of Cloud Platforms, Providers and Enablers visit Findnerd.

Also Visit findnerd for various Technology Blogs such as iOS, Java, Android Development Blogs etc. and for its various tools such as Session Tracker tool, Desktop Recording Tool, Project Management Tool etc.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Introduction to Master Data Management

This tutorial will guide you about Master Data Management Hub, Informatica. It is intended to provide Project Stakeholders, Business Users, Business Analyst and Technical Teams with the technical design and configuration of the
1. Landing tables
2. Staging Tables
3. Staging Process Mappings
4. Base Objects.

In addition, this tutorial provides the source-to-target mapping of data elements between the tables that are part of the staging process.

Data from Source(s) is captured and Loaded into MDM via import SQL Script/CSV import method using SQL Developer to Landing tables.
Landing Tables

Landing tables represent the data tables where data provider will introduce better quality data for MDM processing. To identify the source system for the data, each contains a Source System column within the table.
To Read the full blog about Introduction to Master Data Management visit Findnerd.

Sunday 24 January 2016

SEO Growth Hacker Plan: Learn and Promote your Business


STEP I- Website Optimization

(One Time Effort During Development) Enhancing technical aspects of website (On-site) is the first SEO move. Your focus should be to optimize your website for high user friendly experience and make it readily available for search engines to index.
Following will be the Process:
  • In-depth Analysis: Website & Competition

  • Extensive Keyword Research
  • Content Keyword Density
  • HTML Code Optimization

STEP II- Social Media Optimization
  • Social Networking:
  • Account Setup & Business/Fan page Creation (Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube)
  • Community Building & Monitoring: Account Management/Promotion
  • Blog Integration
  • STEP III- Link Building/Content Marketing
Here is not the end.. To view the complete Blog about SEO Growth Hacker Plan: Learn and Promote your Business please visit Findnerd.

Thursday 21 January 2016

How to Send e-mail Newsletter as Per Recipient's Time Zone

eMail newsletter sending to different users all across the globe is an effective eMail marketing campaign to engage huge amount of users with your product or services. There are many online tools available which you can use for eMail marketing campaign, however MailChimp stands on top among all the available tools. MailChimp comes up with free version which can be extended to PRO version if you want to avail additional benefits of it. Through eMail newsletters you can send daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly newsletters as per your need and get in touch with your user base with the latest information about your product or services.

Sending eMails to Different Users

Now if we talk about sending eMail newsletter campaigns to different users located at different part of the globe then you need to be extra careful before sending that campaign because if you just create the campaign and send it directly then your newsletter will be send to all the users located at different location at the same time.

Here is not the end.. To view the full blg about How to Send e-mail Newsletter as Per Recipient's Time Zone visit Findnerd.

Also visit Findnerd for its various replenishing Features like Desktop Recording Tool, Project Management Tool etc.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Create many2one and one2many relationship in OpenERP

In OpenERP we can create many2one and one2many relationships between models very easily by creating many2one and one2many fields. You just need to declare a field in _columns and then using this field normally in the rest programming and views as we normally do.
I created a small module to explain called hospital, I have two objects patient and doctor. To establish relationship between these two entities or objects, create doctor_id field in patient model as many2one, and patient_id as one2many in doctor model.
The relationship can be explained as one doctor with many patients and many patients going to a single doctor.
Now create a many2one field as:
in class patient(osv.osv):
  1. 'doctor_id':fields.many2one('doctor','Doctor'),
and in class doctor(osv.osv):
  1. 'patient_id':fields.one2many('patient','doctor_id',),
Basic syntax for declaring a many2one field:
  1. fields.many2one(
  2.       '',
  3.       'field name',
  4.       optional parameters)
where first parameter is the model to which the relation is to be created, and field name is the name for the field.
declaring a one2many field:

To view the full blog about Create many2one and one2many relationship in OpenERP please visit Findnerd.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

How to create a custom keyboard on android

If you are interested in making your own Soft Keyboard in android, then this tutorial will be helpful for you. Below are few steps to learn how to create your own Soft Keyboard that can serve as your own default keyboard.
Step1: To enter a text Input Editor Method(IEM) is used in android. BIND_INPUT_METHOD permission into application tag is used to connect our service with the IME.
  1. <service
  2.    android:name=".CustomSoftKeyboard"
  3.    android:label="CustomSoftKeyboard"
  4.    android:permission="android.permission.BIND_INPUT_METHOD">

  5.    <intent-filter>
  6.        <action android:name="android.view.InputMethod" />
  7.    </intent-filter>

  8.    <meta-data
  9.        android:name=""
  10.        android:resource="@xml/method" />

  11. </service>

To view the full Blog about How to create a custom keyboard on android visit Findnerd.
Also visit Findnerd for such more tech Blogs like Android, iOS Development Blogs etc.

Sunday 17 January 2016

How to Create Perfect Meta Title Tags for Web-pages


When we talk about keyword rank with respect to some specific search engine let us say Google then we need to be highly focused on creating SEO friendly Meta Title tags for any web-page. Google algorithm for showing results on search engine is designed in such a way that Google always consider the meta title as a primary factor for displaying correct results with respect to the search query typed by any user on search engine. That is why apart from other factors like the page content, the keyword density and meta description you should focus more on creating highly optimized meta title as per the content of web-page.
Focus more on creating highly optimized meta title as per the content of web-page.

Best Practice for Creating Perfect Meta Title Tags

  • Always put highly relevant keywords related to page content.
  • Always choose keywords with high searches and low competition.
  • Always use primary keywords for the meta title.
  • Length of meta title should be between 55 to 60 Characters.
For more about How to Create Perfect Meta Title Tags for Web-pages visit Findnerd. Also Visit Findnerd for such more interesting Topics like Digital Marketing, Android Programming etc.

Thursday 14 January 2016

How to declare Sets in Swift

declare sets.jpg
Hi Readers!
Let us first understand what Sets means.
“A set stores unique values of same type in a collection with no ordering. Sets should be used when there is no defined order, such as in Array. Secondly Array can store multiple same values but Sets can't. Sets are distinct."
Hash Values for Set Types
Whatever type you take it should be hashable to be stored in a set. It means that the type must provide a way to compute a hash value. A hash value is an Int value so that same objects can be compared equally, such as if `a == b`, if follows that `a.hashValue == b.hashValue`.
All basic swift types (Int, String, Bool and Double) are hashable by default. Enumerations case values are also hashable by default.
Set Type Syntax
Swift Set is written as `Set` where `Element` is the type that the set will store.
Creating and Initializing an Empty Set
  1. var pets = Set<String>()
Here pets is set which can store String values
Creating a Set with values The example below creates a set called pets to Store String values:
Here is not the end…. To view the full blog about How to declare Sets in Swift visit Findnerd.

Also visir Findnerd for such more tech Blogs like Android,Java, Javascript,C,C++,Ios Development Blogs etc.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

How to make a Gridview with Horizontal scrolling

grid view with horizontal scrolling.jpg
Here for the scrolling Grid View I have use SectionPagerAdapter . Simply what I have done here is that , i have created a Fragment with a layout containing a grid view. And with the help of SectonpagerAdapter the fragment will inflate as many as time can depending upon amount of data we have.
Well my **MainActivity** is as something like this :-
  1. public class MainActivity  {

  2. private ViewPager viewPager;
  3. private SectionPagerAdapter mSectionPagerAdapter;
  4. private ArrayList<GridFragment>fragmentArray;

  5. @Override
  6. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  7. {
  8.   super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  9.   fragmentArray = new ArrayList<GridFragment>();
  10.   getSetupView();
  11.   mSectionPagerAdapter = new SectionPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());

  12. }
To view the full blog about How to make a Gridview with Horizontal scrolling visit Findnerd.
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