Thursday, 31 March 2016

Tips for Successful Project Completion

Project Management, a quite interesting stuff and full of challenges. However, everyone has different view in project management and ways for successful project completion.
Here I have jolted down few points for successful project completion :
  • Requirement Gathering should be done properly and all points should be covered keeping in pace the project scope & budget.
  • Make sure nothing is missing or outside scope.
  • Identify the Risk factor involved and develop a prototype or module if necessary.
  • After Requirement Gathering  Freezes, initial discussion should be held with Developers, Team Lead, QA & Testing Team, discuss the project scope and get inputs in the form of queries and doubts.
  • Raise a meeting or Skype call for overseas client, discuss the queries and sort it out.
  • Raise then Minutes Of Meeting (M.O.M) pointing the main discussion and ask for acknowledgment from stake holders and client
  • After approval proceed with database architecture and designing phase.
  • Make then project plan where each and every tasks are mentioned in the form of milestone with tentative dates of release.
Here is not the end.
To Read the full blog about Tips for Successful Project Completion please visit Findnerd.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Override Layout Core Files in Magento


Sometimes we are required to do some changes in our core phtml files. Its a good habit of every Magento programmer to override the core file instead of the making change in the core file.
To do so overriding the core file can be done as :
Step 1
Under your local folder, create a new folder in the path  /app/local/Over/Ride. In that folder make a file config.xml in etc folder with the below code :
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <config>
  3.   <modules>
  4.       <Over_Ride>
  5.           <version>0.0.1</version>
  6.       </Over_Ride>
  7.   </modules>
  8.   <frontend>
  9.       <layout>
Read full Blog about Override Layout Core Files in Magento at Findnerd.

Also visit Findnerd for its various Replenishing Features such as Project Management, Session Tracker tool, Find Projects etc.

How to create a Basic Google Maps


Making the google maps is not so difficult. Just to follow some code and google apis.We can make any location google map by using the code below. We have taken the example of dehradun location in India for making this google map.
  1. <html>
  2. <head>
  3. <script
  4. src="">
  5. </script>

  6. <script>
  7. function initialize() {
  8. var mapProp = {
  9.   center:new google.maps.LatLng(30.321915,78.026619),
  10.   zoom:5,
  11.   mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  12. };
  13. var map=new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("googleMap"), mapProp);
  14. }
Here is not the end. Read full Blog about How to create a Basic Google Maps visit Findnerd.

You can also visit for such other blogs on Findnerd like iOS, Android, Java,PHP, Javascript Development Blogs etc.

Monday, 28 March 2016

How to download file from server in android


It is recommended that whenever one wants to download any file from server whether it is song or any image , it must perform in the background either by using asynctask or using a thread.
Here, we are using Asynctask:-
  1. /**
  2. * Downloading file in background thread
  3. */
  4. boolean download = true;

  5. @Override
  6. protected String doInBackground(String... params)
  7.    {
  8.       File SDCardRoot = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); // location where you want to store
  9.       File directory = new File(SDCardRoot, "/my_folder/"); //create directory to keep your downloaded file
  10.       if (!directory.exists())
  11.       {
  12.         directory.mkdir();

Here is not the end. Read the full article about How to download file from server in android at Findnerd.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

How to Convert HTML file into PDF in PHP

Helo Readers,
If you want to convert the HTML to PDF read the below code: When we do this first of all we require the fpdf library file which can be downloaded from the official site of FPDF.
After download it, Just copy the folder into your directory and customize it according to your need.
After that make te HTML page as per as your need, here we make a simple HTML form to get some user input data for PDF. When user input the data and submit it generate the pdf with this input data.
  1. <pre><html>
  2. <head>
  3. <title>Convert HTML file into PDF in PHP</title>
  4. </head>
  5. <body>
  6. <div class="">
  7.     <form class="" action="pdf.php" method="post">
  8.     <input type="text" class="" name="name" placeholder="Name">
Read full Blog about How to Convert HTML file into PDF in PHP at Findnerd.

Also read about such more blogs about PHP, Javascript, Android, iOS development Blogs etc here.

You can also post Blogs at Findnerd and share knowledge with others.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Tips for Successful Project Completion


Project Management, a quite interesting stuff and full of challenges. However, everyone has different view in project management and ways for successful project completion.
Here I have jolted down few points for successful project completion :
  • Requirement Gathering should be done properly and all points should be covered keeping in pace the project scope & budget.
  • Make sure nothing is missing or outside scope.
  • Identify the Risk factor involved and develop a prototype or module if necessary.
  • After Requirement Gathering  Freezes, initial discussion should be held with Developers, Team Lead, QA & Testing Team, discuss the project scope and get inputs in the form of queries and doubts.
  • Raise a meeting or Skype call for overseas client, discuss the queries and sort it out.
Read full article here:- Tips for Successful Project Completion

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Benefits of Mind Mapping usage in Project Management

The use of a planning tool is an imperative, especially when aiming to bring project success and effective task management. Mind mapping is a technique that is greatly appreciated and widely used, especially when approaching the project planning process in project management. According to Tony Buzan (the inventor of modern mind mapping) “a mind map is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain. It harnesses the full range of cortical skills – word, image, number, logic, rhythm, color and spatial awareness – in a single, uniquely powerful manner.” (Tony Buzan, “What is a Mind Map?) In the 2014 Biggerplate report, project planning was declared as second most performed task with the usage of mind mapping (around 55%) while brainstorming came first place with 77% from the survey responds.

Mind mapping can help you out when trying to explore the visual pathways to project success – easily get the bird’s eye view. Here is how:
  1. Facilitated Brainstorming sessions and meeting management - where you can create clear concepts of your idea generating process and conduct brainstorming meetings in a non-confusing and timely manner.
  2. Handle information clutter / filter the priority project tasks – you can markup tasks in your own unique manner and filter out the most important information by using main topics and subtopics. Read full topic here:- Benefits of Mind Mapping usage in Project Management
Also visit Findnerd for its various Replenishing Features such as Project Management, Session Tracker tool, Find Projects etc.