Monday, 30 November 2015

Read and Write the Structure in File using C ( File Handling )

File Handling in C:- The File handling is used in c to store the information in file. we can read the data from file and write the data into file for securing your data. Here the below example can show you how to write and read the data of structure in c. we can read entire structure and write the entire structure into a file rather than character by character.

FWrite:- The Fwrite can write your data into a file. It can write the structure into your file the structure can contain multiple property for the one instance of a record.

The Below Example can show you how it can be insert the record of employee using structure.
void read();
void write();
struct record
Here is not the end. For full code about Read and Write the Structure in File using C ( File Handling )please visit FindNerd.
As it is a technology forum platform also ,then one can find technical blogs,Record Desktop and Share, ask questions related to various languages like PHP, android,HTML Questions and Answers and also check their own technical knowledge by giving the aswers of the technical questions posted over Findnerd.

Friday, 27 November 2015

How to create custom video camera

There are two methods to make object move in unity:
  1. By changing its Transform (Position).
  2. By adding Force by using AddForce() method.
In this blog I have mentioned, how we can make object move by adding force.
Force and Velocity both are component of Physics.
Below is the script for your reference.
using UnityEngine;
public class
 BallScript : MonoBehaviour   
void Update () 
To view the full code about How to move make objects by adding force in unity visit FindNerd.
Being an effective forum, here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions including c, android, php, java questions and answers etc.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Check Email Already Exists with jQuery Ajax

Step 1: Create a Database First create a database named ‘email_exists’ you can change if you want, and create a table named ‘users’ and fields.
TABLE `users` ( `first_name` varchar(50)
NOT NULL, `last_name` varchar(50)
NOT NULL, `email` varchar(50)
Step 2: Create Database Connection Create file name ‘database.php’ to connect from the mysql database we have assigning the database credentials, MySQL host, user, password and database name the ‘email_exists’.

TO view the full code about to check Email Already Exists with Jquery Ajax, Visit Findnerd.
As it is an effective technology forum, so here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions related to PHP Questions and Answers,c,Andriod Javascript etc.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

How to bind all dates of month on GridView Header cell in .net

Hello all,
Working with ASP.NET, we wanted to print all the dates of months on the Header cell of GridView based on current month and year dynamically from code behind which can be changes later on by selecting different month and year from the two Dropdownlists provided on the UI.
To do that we have following code packet :
In our ASPX page we have :
Page Title="" Language="C#"
Inherits="_Default" %><%@ Register
Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp"
%><asp:Content ID="Content1"
ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
Here is not the view the full code about to blind all dates of month on Gridview Header cell in .net. then visit Findnerd.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Set Alarm Using TimePicker in Android

This tutorial will help you in creating an android application to set alarm using TimePicker. This is a basic android tutorial which will make you familiar with Intents , Pending Intents and BroadcastReceiver.
Step 1: Create an android Project Name TimeActivity
Step 2: Create main the layout file activity_main.xml
Step 3:Set Button,TimePicker and TextView
Step 4:Then SetAlarm by creating the pending intent
Step 5:Create the BroadcastReceiver to recive and set the Ringtone
step 6: Set user permissions in manifest file
First create the layout file set buttons and textview..
then create the mainactivity .
Sample code::

To view the full code about Set Alarm Using TimePicker in Android visit Findnerd.
As it is an effective technology forum, so you can ask questions based on different technologies.
Also, one can record the desktop by using its Desktop Recording Tool and share it with others.
Freelancers can find projects for them and bid on relevant projects.

Monday, 23 November 2015

How to Connect the Android Mobile Device to JMETER?

Pre Conditions:
1. Install the Jmeter in system
2. Mobile & installed Jmeter system should be in same network

Follow the Steps to Connect the Android Mobile to Jmeter:
Step 1: Open the JMETER in system
Step 2: Add HTTP Proxy Server Component right-click on WorkBench – >Add –> Non-test Elements –> HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
To view the full method in detail about How to Connect the Android Mobile Device to JMETER?
please visit Findnerd.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Custom message for Location permission alert in iOS

If you are using Location Manager to get user's current location then you have ask Location Permission first. iOS provides you access to user's location if user accepts it. Here is the code :-
Below code will return you location manager object.
getLocation{    CLLocationManager *locationManager =
[[CLLocationManager alloc] init];    locationManager.delegate = self;
   locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;   
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;   
[locationManager startUpdatingLocation];    if ([locationManager
respondsToSelector:@selector(requestWhenInUseAuthorization)]) {
Here is not the end. To view the full code about Custom message for Location Permission Alert visit the link mentioned.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Facebook Tips for Managing Post, Audience and Results

This blog is the continuation series of my last blog posted on Facebook Marketing Tips for Your Business. In earlier blog I have explained in detail various tips and techniques required for promoting your business on Facebook social network.

How to create a successful post:

  • Posts between 100 & 250 characters & get about 60% more likes, comments & shares.
  • Try to post photo albums, pictures and videos to get 180%, 120%, and 100% more engagement respectively.
  • Posting quiz and questions always drive more visitors.

To Read full information about “Facebook Tips for Managing Post, Audience and Results ” Visit Findnerd. As it is an effective technology forum, so you can take part by asking questions and also increase your technical knowledge by giving the answers of the questions posted over Findnerd related to PHP,Android, HTML,iOS,Java, Javascript questions and Answers etc.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

How to get SMS from an Android Device programatically

To get SMS conversation from an Android device we will use following code:
ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver();
  • Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations/");
  • Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null, "date" + " COLLATE LOCALIZED DESC");
After getting SMS conversation, we can get sms snippets of a particular conversation by the following code:

To Read complete information about "How to get SMS from an android device programatically" visit FindNerd . As it is an effective technology forum, so here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions related to PHP Programming Questions and Answers,c,Andriod Javascript etc.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

The Top Five Pros And Cons Of Odoo

Pros in Odoo

1- Odoo is based on python languages, and database is postgreSQL.
2- Search Functionality in Odoo- You can easily search across the screen, you can also create advance search as per your requirement.
3- Odoo helps you with easy and quick directions on what next steps needs to be followed.

Cons in Odoo

1- Odoo is not very idiomatic.
2- In Odoo XML file gets used for everything.
3- In Odoo inheritance system is painful and The module system can be unreliable.

Here is not the know more about pros and Cons of Odoo visit Findnerd.

As it is an effective technology forum, so you can take part by asking questions and also increase your technical knowledge by giving the answers of the questions posted over Findnerd related to PHP,Android, HTML,iOS,Java, Javascript questions and Answers etc.

Monday, 16 November 2015

How to create email template in OpenERP

By creating an email template one can send emails very easily and quickly as you already design it, add reports, signature. You can use these templates for any document in the OpenERP to enhance your sales, marketing, and accounting tasks. With these templates you just need to create a one, and use for future very dynamically.
To create an email template in OpenERP, just follow these steps:
  1. Go to Settings->Configuration->Email->Templates or you can go to the module menu like
    Sales/Accounting->Configuration->Miscellaneous->Email Templates, and create.
  2. Give it a meaningful name that describes the template for eg: Send Sales Quotations, select the related model for eg: Sales Order.
  3. In Email Details tab, define the from and to fields:
    from: ${object.user_id.user_email or ''} to: ${}
  4. Add the subject for eg: Sales Quotation
To Read complete information about "How to create Email Template in Open ERP" visit FindNerd . As it is an effective technology forum, so here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions related to PHP Programming Questions and Answers,c,Andriod Javascript etc.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

How to Move Make Objects by Adding Force in Unity

There are two methods to make object move in unity:
  1. By changing its Transform (Position).
  2. By adding Force by using AddForce() method.
In this blog I have mentioned, how we can make object move by adding force.
Force and Velocity both are component of Physics.
Below is the script for your reference.
using UnityEngine; 
public class
BallScript : MonoBehaviour   
void Update () 
To view the full
code about How
to move make objects by adding force in unity visit FindNerd.
Being an effective forum, here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions including c, android, php, java questions and answers etc.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Using Javascript to access liferay services

The Below code will show you how you can create the service in Liferay and how you can call that services using javascript.
  1. For this, First you have to create service builder(service.xml) to build service using ant build-service command.
service-builder PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Service Builder
package-path="com.evon">    <author>manish</author>
   <namespace>JSONService</namespace>    <entity
name="Employee" local-service="true"
remote-service="true">        <!-- PK fields -->
For full Code about using Javascript to access Liferay Services visit Findnerd.
Being an effective forum, here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions including c, android, php, javascript questions and answers etc.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

How to generate the barcode for product in openerp (Odoo)?

This Blog is about to generate the barcode for productin openerp Odoo. To view the full code, visit the link mentioned.
class product_category(orm.Model):
_inherit = 'product.category'

_columns = {

'ean_sequence_id': fields.many2one('ir.sequence', 'Ean Sequence'),


class product_product(orm.Model):

_inherit = 'product.product'

_columns = {

'ean_sequence_id': fields.many2one('ir.sequence', 'Ean Sequence'),

Being an effective forum, here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions including c, android, php, java questions and answers etc.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Is M-Commerce The New Frontier For E-Commerce?

Technological innovation has brought a revolution in how marketing and consumer engagement are perceived in retail sector. Availability of multiple shopping channels has impacted consumer behavior and provided easy ways to shop on the go. The power of M-commerce now is expected to have a strong impact on lives of millions of people in the nearest future.

A recent research estimates that almost half of online retail sales in the seven largest EU markets will happen on mobile devices by 2018. Online retail sales through mobile devices saw 47% year-over-year growth in mid-2014 compared to 10% for desktops. Retailers are also able to market their products in a better way with the help of innovative mobile tools like shopping apps, location-based services, and mobile wallets.

Reasons why more consumers are now trusting and adopting mobile retail are as follows:

  • Security - With more secured online payment gateways, consumers now don’t worry a lot about frauds as they previously did.
  • Ease* - Consumers no longer have to devote a lot of time traveling to a store to buy retail products of their favorite brands. Mobile sites, shopping apps etc. put them at such an ease that they can even shop while sitting on a couch at their homes.
To Read complete information about "Is M-Commerce The New Frontier For E-Commerce?" visit FindNerd . As it is an effective technology forum, so here you can alsoask questions & look for various programming queries along with their solutions including android,c, java, php questions and answers etc.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Crowdfunding Basics: Everything You Need to Know to Crowdfund Your Next Project

In digital era, crowdfunding has emerged as a great medium for startups and early stage companies to raise funds by reaching out to masses. Crowdfunding means receiving donations from people who you believe will like, support the idea of your business.

Right Platform

Picking up a right platform among over 600 crowdfunding platforms world over is the matter of paramount importance to ensure the success of your crowdfunding campaign.
Rewards-based crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding are the most popular categories of crowdfunding. Indiegogo and Kickstarter are used as the most common platforms for the former, whereas Crowdfunder or Circle Up should be on your list if you are going for the latter.
Engaging Story to Tell Your Target Group
A great story to tell about you or your project increases your chances to achieve your crowdfunding goal by many folds. You need to pitch your story in such a manner that it engages people and encourages them to donate as much as they can afford.
To Read complete information about " CrowdFunding Basics: EveryThing You Need to know to crowdfund your Next Project" visit FindNerd . As it is an effective technology forum, so here you can also post & look for various programming queries along with their solutions including android, php, java, c programming questions and answers etc.