Monday, 20 July 2015

Five Things An Entrepreneur Should Learn From Kids & Implement

“A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.” - Paulo Coelho
We, as adults, blissfully live under the illusion that it is us who teach a child the ways of the society and Life. How ignorant of us, don't you think? Kids have their own special ways to understand Life and know exactly how to live it. There are so many things that we could learn from these marvelous beings. My brief stay with my nephew and niece made me realize how effortlessly they taught me a few valuable lessons that could work really well for an entrepreneur.

So, whether you are a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned one, here are the top 5 reasons why kids would make for an excellent board of directors for you!

They’ll teach you to be curious: Kids are like small sized Sherlock Holmes. Always asking questions, challenging the limits, searching for alternatives, and accepting only self deduced theories. Tell a kid not to touch an electric socket; odds are that he/she will. Kids are somehow wired to be like this - curious, inquisitive - asking why, how and why not as frequently as a cat cleans itself.

Read more about Five Things An Entrepreneur Should Learn From Kids & Implement visit FindNerd.

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