HTML 5 is rocking everywhere on the web.The key behind the HTML5 success is the set of
powerfull api it provides. These html5 api make a web app server independent in many ways.Such
an api or a set of api is webrtc. Web rtc is most powerfull thing html5 bought on the web
plateform .Web RTC is an open source .As internet has moved from the slower side to real time
environment .The need of comunication at real time felt so badly across the web ninjas.Web rtc
which means Real time communication make the dream of Real time video audio chat true.Web rtc
make the communication between two system without server dependency. The Web rtc have three
API currently. 1. getUserMedia
2.RTC Peer to Peer connection
3.RTC Data Channel
Get User Media : Getusermedia alowed the browser to access the system hardware without any
plugin . Which is the most powerfull ability browser ever got since NetScape time.
getusermedia ask the user permission for accessing the system hardware.Once the permission
granted by the user it uses audio video as an input device. GetUserMedia is currntly availble
in Google chrome 18 and above with flags , above Google Chrome 25 flagless ,firefox NIghtly
and Opera Stable .IE is still against it.getUserMedia allows browser to capture an image audio
or a video. In the era of HTML5 you can Play with these input.
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;
var videoTag = document.getElementById('videotag');
if (navigator.getUserMedia) {
navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: true}, function(stream) { videoTag.src =
}, errorCallback); } else {
video.src = 'othervideo.mp4'; // fallback. }
I will discuss Peer to peer in next blog . Comments will be appreciated . Until then Adios
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