Sunday 19 June 2016

Facebook Graph API explorer Tool

This is a short demo of how to use Facebook Graph API explorer tool. In order to use this feature you have to get registered with Facebook developer account. I have provide step and underneath an image example:
After Sign In to your developer account.
  • Go to Tools and Support.
  • Select Graph API Explorer
  • Select your app from there, if you don't have any previously created app then you need to create an app by clicking on My Apps and then Add a New App.

Here is not the end, Read full blog about Facebook Graph API explorer Tool visit Findnerd.

Read such more blogs at Findnerd.

Monday 9 May 2016

What is User Exit and how to add User Exit in MDM Hub?

User Exit is a customize java code, that will help you to manipulate with the data before referring it as GOLDEN.
There are many class provided by Informatica for User Exit such as postLoadUserExit, postMatchUserExit etc.

Example: Suppose I have a business requirement to merge my record according to survivorship rules. Let say, I have a column name Amount, and I want to pick the highest value in the group of matched record for Amount. I can accomplished this task using post merge user exit.

How to add a UE in MDM Hub.

Step 1: Create your UE using Eclipse IDE.
Step 2: Export you java code into a jar file.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Exception Notifications via email in Rails


Hi Friends,
Let's first discuss about debugging a code. During development, suppose you have pushed some changes, then you need to test each and every functionality to check whether your code breaks or not, which is actually impossible. Suppose some part of your code is throwing exceptions, and you are not aware of that but the end user is facing issues because of that. So it is better to have a solution that automatically sends notifications to the developers and admin's whenever an exception comes in the code.
In rails we have a beautiful gem exception_notification that does the work for us. The documentation of the gem can be found at Exception Notifier in Rails.
Here I am explaining how to set up this in your application.
Step 1: Add the gem to your Gemfile.
  1.    gem 'exception_notification'
Step 2: Run the bundle.
Read the full Blog about Exception Notifications via email in Rails at Findnerd.

Monday 18 April 2016

7 Strange Factors That Influence Online Conversions

Don’t utilize periods in your headlines:-
Tests have shown that being grammatically right in your headlines and sub-features is not useful. Utilizing periods and commas really reduces the quantity of conversions. Finishing your headlines and sub-headers with a period can bring about the reader to quit perusing and proceed onward to something else entirely.

Include a telephone number-even the fact that they won't call it:-
Having a valid telephone number on your website gives potential clients a feeling of trust. Realizing that, if they needed to, they could connect and speak a live individual does a great deal to impact a person’s choice about purchasing an product online. Very few people will really call the number, however just seeing it there on your site manufactures their confidence.
Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Java, iPhone, Javascript Questions, Digital Marketing about the topic described above "7 Strange Factors That Influence Online Conversions". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Friday 15 April 2016

Validate File Extension and Size Before Upload

Here is the example to validate the file extension and size before upload. Regular expression has been used to validate the file extension. And to validate file size, we use size property of file input i.e., img.files[0].size. Onclick event of button, validate() function is being called. First, it checks for file extensions (jpg, jpeg, png, etc) and give error message for the files having other extensions. Then, it validates the file size by calculating the file size using img.files[0].size.
  1. <html>
  2. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  3. <script type="text/javascript">
  4. function Validate()
  5. {
  6.    var image =document.getElementById("image").value;
  7.    if(image!='')
  8.    {

Read full blog at our highly specific C, Java, PHP, Java, iPhone, Javascript Questions, about the topic described above "Validate File Extension and size Before Upload". You can also learn much more about different programming technologies and can enhance your tech skills.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

How to Avoid shadowban or Account suspension on Reddit

reddit shadowban.png

After the launch in 2005, Reddit became the most popular name to drive traffic to your website/ blog. Reddit is also known as “The Front page of  Internet”. Reddit has a vast 36+ million user accounts and 231 million monthly visitors and huge 8.19 billion page views. Reddit has around 8,53,824 subreddit .
If you smartly use Reddit as a tool, your website can attract thousands of visitors, and in turn generate revenue for you.
It is very easy to post your own website content on Reddit, but preventing your account from getting shadowbanned or facing account suspension is a tough task. Frequently posting many links from your own favorite website will guarantee your account suspension or shadowban from a specific subreddit or from whole website.

Type of Bans on Reddit:
1. Subreddit Ban
2. Subreddit AutoModerator Ban
3. Shadowban

Also visit findnerd for exploring its various features like Project Manageent Tool, Desktop Recording Tool etc.

CSRF with Spring and AngularJS

csrf angularjs.jpg
In this blog, We will see how to configure CSRF protection and how to make AngularJS allowed to send information with a CSRF token to the server.

In AngularJS, $http service reads a token from a cookie which is named by default XSRF-TOKEN and sets it in HTTP header with name X-XSRF-TOKEN. Once it is configured, now spring running on server is supposed to insert token in cookie inside HTTP header. Now server can verify that the cookie matches X-XSRF-TOKEN HTTP header.
Let's see how it can be configured with Spring.

Step 1. Configure and enable CSRF.

Spring security comes with CSRF protection enabled. Please have a look of my previous blog.

Step 2. Configure Cookie in HTTP Header to enable CSRF for AngularJS

Here is the code below in your security configuration -
  1. http.csrf()
Read full Blog about CSRF with Spring and AngularJS at Findnerd.